A new support service for recovering addicts has set up shop in the Spectrum Design building on...
Gene Marrano
Dozens of people waited on line outside the renovated and expanded Raleigh Court Public Library this morning...
Martin Jeffrey says even if his appeal on the validity of petition signatures is denied his campaign...
Pediatric physicians are being asked to “dig deeper” when meeting with patients – screening for those that...
Roanoke City’s makeover of its public library system includes Raleigh Court, which reopens tomorrow morning as WFIR’s...
Family Service of the Roanoke Valley is expanding its youth services programs. As WFIR’s Denise Allen Membreno...
A new event taking place on Wednesday will encourage local residents to open their wallets and purses...
The Salem Museum is sharing stories and memories tonight in its first ever talking exhibit. WFIR’s Denise...
A new poll conducted for the Virginia Petroleum Council shows a strong majority in the Commonwealth favor...
Liberty University student fell to his death yesterday on a Botetourt County trail. Officials say Dylan Engel...
Call it a “listening tour” if you will – Botetourt County officials are putting together a team...
The Day of Rememberance at Virginia Tech celebrates the lives of those lost in the shooting nine...
This is National Consumer Protection week. As WFIR’s Denise Allen Membreno reports the week is a multi-agency...
With the public opening of a new gallery and the Norman Rockwell exhibit less than two weeks...
Around 20-thousand people in the region are brain injury survivors. March is Brain injury Awareness Month. As...