After more than a year of planning and construction a kayak and canoe launch along the Roanoke...
Gene Marrano
The run-up to this past summer’s Olympic Game’s put the focus on the Zika virus – now...
Expect it to be more civil than the Presidential debates but still focused on the agendas of...
Its time once again for “Restaurant Week” along one of Roanoke’s busiest commercial corridors. WFIR’s Gene Marrano...
Tonight from 6 to 8pm at Roanoke College’s Smoyer Gallery there is a reception for the “Beehive...
The latest gift shop incarnation at the Taubman Museum of Art is “Tink’s at the Taubman” -an...
The crowds get bigger every time out for Big Lick Soup – as attendees watch people pitch...
High-end bicycle maker and welder-by-trade Aaron Dykstra thinks more school kids not bound for college right away...
The fourth annual “Zombie Run” this Saturday to raise money for Special Olympics Virginia has a few...
Its billed as an “educational employment placement program” for those in need of a helping hand –...
A personal finance company scored the “Best Cities to be a healthcare professional” in and the Roanoke...
Neil Simon’s 1965 Broadway smash “The Odd Couple” – later a movie with Jack Lemmon and Walter...
A communications professor who keeps on eye on politics offers his take on Monday night’s presidential debate....
The Virginia Cooperative Extension wants Head Start parents to set good examples for their kids via healthy...
An event open to all but focused on making sure African-American women are doing their best to...