Gene Marrano

The downtown Roanoke Hampton Inn and Suites on Church Avenue celebrated its one-year anniversary today with a ribbon cutting. Director of sales Shay Bowman describes their typical customer as a business traveler; days earlier in the week are typically when they sell out all 120 rooms – but sometimes big events like concerts at Elmwood Park are the reason. “Locals” are also renting rooms at the Hampton Inn says Bowman – wedding parties are a major factor.



Rep. Bob Goodlatte

If the so-called Graham-Cassidy health care reform bill proposed by Senate Republicans is passed by September 30th, it will move to the House, where it must be reconciled with a version already approved there. Democratic Senators and Congressman are unified so far in their opposition to the latest proposal that could repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. 6th District Republican Congressman Bob Goodlatte said today he likes the basic concept of block grants going back to the states.






Its all about registering and then getting out to vote. That’s the message Jesse Jackson brought to the valley today, with stops at High Street Baptist Church this morning and a noon-time town hall at Roanoke College.  Before speaking at High Street Baptist, Reverend Jackson called it “massive voter registration drive” taking place in time to make an impact on the statewide and delegate races on November 7th.

Virginia First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe addressed the annual Feeding America-Southwest Virginia Partner Program Conference at Second Presbyterian Church in Roanoke today, where the focus – as always – was on ending hunger.Feeding America-Southwest Virginia works with 350 partner agencies in the Roanoke Valley and in southwestern Virginia. The First Lady’s husband – Governor Terry McAuliffe – was also in the valley today, taking part in a roundtable discussion on school redesign in Salem.